
Welcome to My Blog!

This blog is where I will share with you what I am seeing in our yard, in our gardens, and what is happening on our small lake.  I will also tell you about birds I observe when traveling.  And I would like to hear from you!  The purpose of this website is for all of us who are interested in birds, to share what we are seeing and thinking.  Please use the Public Forum to post what you are observing and to ask and answer questions.  I do not have a rigid schedule as to when I blog, but I generally post every 3-5 days – occasionally more often.  I will also use this blog to inform you when Cleon and I will be live, on camera, explaining what we are doing at the feeders and birdbaths.  I will also post the day and time when I mow as birds most often will not be at the feeders at that time.  So, I will use this blog – you use the Public Forum – and let’s learn about birds together!

  • 09

    The Canada Geese in our yard ……

    Those of you who have been watching the birdcam since the beginning of March have probably witnessed what Cleon and I call The Annual Great Goose War.  We have lived here almost 20 years and each year, we have a nest out on our point.  Most times the nest is successful and the parents will […]

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  • 04

    Migrants Have Arrived!

    Male Baltimore Oriole

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  • 30

    Wild Turkeys!

    Last Tuesday was a rainy day here in central Illinois which is often a wonderful time to take a drive on rural roads.  It can be a whole different world from a sunny day.  We were driving through the Eagle Creek area of Lake Shelbyville when we saw these Wild Turkeys walking through the woodlands.  […]

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  • 25

    A Now Rare House Sparrow at Our Feeder

    In many places in North America, the House Sparrow is not rare.  In fact, it can be so abundant as to be a nuisance.  When we first moved here to central Illinois, we started with a few House Sparrows, but within 10 years, we had a flock of about 30 eating at our feeders every […]

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  • 24

    Our feeders and birdbaths

    This past Saturday during feeder and birdbath maintenance, we made some changes which you can see on the BirdCam. First, the log feeder is gone.  We do not provide suet during the spring and summer months.  In the warmer months, birds have insects and fruit on which to forage throughout our yard and gardens so […]

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