
Welcome to My Blog!

This blog is where I will share with you what I am seeing in our yard, in our gardens, and what is happening on our small lake.  I will also tell you about birds I observe when traveling.  And I would like to hear from you!  The purpose of this website is for all of us who are interested in birds, to share what we are seeing and thinking.  Please use the Public Forum to post what you are observing and to ask and answer questions.  I do not have a rigid schedule as to when I blog, but I generally post every 3-5 days – occasionally more often.  I will also use this blog to inform you when Cleon and I will be live, on camera, explaining what we are doing at the feeders and birdbaths.  I will also post the day and time when I mow as birds most often will not be at the feeders at that time.  So, I will use this blog – you use the Public Forum – and let’s learn about birds together!

  • 20

    Male Purple Finch

    It is unusual to rare for us to have Purple Finches in our yard.  We did have a female for a week or so this past winter, but many winters we do not have any.  We do have birding friends here in central Illinois who have Purple Finches at their feeders throughout the late fall […]

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  • 15

    Double-crested Cormorants

    In spring and summer, we normally have 6-7 Double-crested Cormorants on our small lake.  This spring we have had an invasion!  More cormorants here than I have ever seen in the 20 years we have lived here.  We do have several large lakes in our area and cormorants in spring and summer are common.  But […]

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  • 10

    Brown-headed Cowbirds

    Right now, we have a few Brown-headed Cowbirds on the platform feeder several times every day.  Sometimes it is 3 or more males, but often there will be 1 female with them.  Here in central Illinois, this is normal spring behavior for them and appears to be part of their courting ritual.  What you will […]

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  • 04

    Our Brown Thrasher is back!

    Cleon and I love all the birds that use our yard, the feeders, and the bird baths.  But I think our favorite is the Brown Thrasher.  We started out about 10 years ago with one bird in the yard off and on throughout that spring and summer.  Within a year or two, it was a […]

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  • 31

    I saw a Timberdoodle!

    Last weekend we were in Lake Geneva, WI.  We drove to this lovely lake and town on a snowy, overcast day.  There was an accident on the interstate and the GPS suggested an alternate route which we took.  It was a series of rural roads winding through the southern Wisconsin countryside past fields, woodlands, and […]

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