
Welcome to My Blog!

This blog is where I will share with you what I am seeing in our yard, in our gardens, and what is happening on our small lake.  I will also tell you about birds I observe when traveling.  And I would like to hear from you!  The purpose of this website is for all of us who are interested in birds, to share what we are seeing and thinking.  Please use the Public Forum to post what you are observing and to ask and answer questions.  I do not have a rigid schedule as to when I blog, but I generally post every 3-5 days – occasionally more often.  I will also use this blog to inform you when Cleon and I will be live, on camera, explaining what we are doing at the feeders and birdbaths.  I will also post the day and time when I mow as birds most often will not be at the feeders at that time.  So, I will use this blog – you use the Public Forum – and let’s learn about birds together!

  • 06

    Another sign fall is on its way! Turkey Vultures are on the move!

    Cleon and I have been travelling.  Long days of driving.  We never fly because we like to drive through different areas – and we are not birds, right?  But seriously…. towns, cities, farms, lakes, woods – we love to see how people live and work in different areas all over our country and Canada.  When […]

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  • 30

    Brown-headed Cowbirds are starting to form flocks …….

    When blackbirds start to form flocks, fall is on the way!  Which seems a bit premature as it is only the end of July. Brown-headed Cowbirds start to form flocks early.  At first, it will just be several to maybe half a dozen – both males and females.  As the weeks go by and we […]

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  • 27

    The groundhog was back this morning!

    The groundhog was back under the feeders this morning – eating companionably with a fox squirrel.  We are still unsure where his hole is.  At first we thought it might be under our deck, but we are happy to say it is not.  When he ran from the feeder area this morning, it was toward […]

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  • 26

    I did not react fast enough but ……

    We have a ground hog!  We saw it a few days ago, but could not identify it.  It was hard to get a good look at it as it was at the shore of our lake and some distance from where we were standing.  A friend of ours thought it was a mink.  I thought […]

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  • 26

    Redheaded Woodpeckers!

    We have Redheaded Woodpeckers living in the woodlands across the lake from us, but they are not often here in our yard.  We saw a pair yesterday in our trees that are at the edge of the lake and this morning they were both on the peanut feeder.  Not sharing – they kept displacing each […]

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