
Welcome to My Blog!

This blog is where I will share with you what I am seeing in our yard, in our gardens, and what is happening on our small lake.  I will also tell you about birds I observe when traveling.  And I would like to hear from you!  The purpose of this website is for all of us who are interested in birds, to share what we are seeing and thinking.  Please use the Public Forum to post what you are observing and to ask and answer questions.  I do not have a rigid schedule as to when I blog, but I generally post every 3-5 days – occasionally more often.  I will also use this blog to inform you when Cleon and I will be live, on camera, explaining what we are doing at the feeders and birdbaths.  I will also post the day and time when I mow as birds most often will not be at the feeders at that time.  So, I will use this blog – you use the Public Forum – and let’s learn about birds together!

  • 26

    Redheaded Woodpeckers!

    We have Redheaded Woodpeckers living in the woodlands across the lake from us, but they are not often here in our yard.  We saw a pair yesterday in our trees that are at the edge of the lake and this morning they were both on the peanut feeder.  Not sharing – they kept displacing each […]

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  • 24

    After the lovely, peaceful dawn chorus fades away, who are those two LOUD mouths?

    I was outside working in the garden, listening to the dawn chorus, and I finished in the garden as the chorus was ending.  I came into the kitchen for a cup of hot coffee and turned on this website and the birdfeeder cam.  My back was turned to the screen as I bent to  pour […]

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  • 22

    Canada Geese

    Look how they have grown!  The three families from this past spring still come to the feeders every other day or so.  Generally they are all together in a loose flock – scattered over the yard.  This is one of the families.  The juveniles are now flying and these families take an excursion each afternoon.  […]

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  • 15

    Dawn chorus

    We are in the midst of hot and humid weather here in central Illinois.  July and August are always for heat lovers – and that is definitely not me. Give me long underwear, a heavy coat and hat, and I am in heaven! I love working outside and have gardens all around our house and […]

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  • 10

    The habitat in our yard has changed. Will we see a change in our birds?

    Anyone who has an outdoor space, no matter how small, has a habitat.  The definition of habitat from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: The physical environment that provides organisms with their basic needs for survival:  food, water, shelter, and space.  Our yard’s habitat was a savanna with a wide strip of woodland and our acre of property […]

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