

Work at large birdbath

Friday morning – the 20th – from dawn until about 10AM Central Time, the birdbath cam will be turned off.  We will be working in that area – still dealing with storm damage and preparing the area for a total revamp next spring.  Thank you for your patience.  The families of House Finches who are […]

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Birding around Lake Geneva, WI

Cleon and I spent last weekend in Lake Geneva, WI, with his daughter and family.  They live in the city of Chicago and although they like and occasionally use the wonderful parks in and around Chicago, they truly love living in the city.  Cleon and I are small town/rural people.  But we all enjoy visiting […]

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A Mystery! What is this dove doing???

Cleon watched this Mourning Dove at our large bird bath for two days.  Both days, the dove got into the center of the birdbath and then stretched one wing out and up – vertically – perpendicular to its body.  Then it did the same with the other wing.  And the bird held both wings outstretched […]

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What is all the loud noise on both live cameras?

Our neighbors across our small inlet are getting a new roof and what you are hearing is all the hammering.  Their roof was badly damaged during that awful storm we had earlier this summer – the one I blogged about.  They were very fortunate in that the the big oak that came down got caught […]

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Public Forum – Completely revamped!

I hope you will take a few minutes to give the Public Forum another look.  This is your forum to post your sightings and photos, and to ask questions.  I felt the original setup of this section was hard to use – especially if you are like me and do not have much skill operating […]

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Cardinals and Crows

A pair of cardinals are still coming to the platform feeder very early each morning – at dawn, but before the sun breaks the horizon line.  Here at our house, that is between about 6:10-6:40AM Central Time.  The feedercam will be in black and white, but you will still be able to easily see these […]

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The crows have been watching HGTV!

The crows are redecorating.  I could hardly believe my eyes the other day when I looked out our windows at the small birdbath which you can see on the birdfeeder cam.  There was a crow, sitting on the rim, and moving the stones all around with its beak.  It was actually picking the stones up […]

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And a post script!

It is now 6:25AM Central time and I am on my second cup of coffee.  The male and female cardinals have had their breakfast and a juvenile cardinal is now eating.  My guess is that since it came right after the female, this is one of their juveniles.  If you see it on the platform […]

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Who is eating in the dark at 6:02AM?

Good Morning Everyone!  It is 6:02AM Central Time and I am bleary-eyed at my desk having just taken my first sip of coffee.  I just woke up the computer which runs the live-stream cameras.  Even though it is still dark outside, the cameras do run all night and are lit so you can see black […]

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