
The Baltimore Orioles are back!

We started seeing Baltimore Orioles in our yard about 8 years ago – and the first year it was just 1 male.  We think there was also a female and that they nested in the large trees in our neighbor’s yard across the small inlet that separates our properties.  The following year, we saw both the male and the female so we put out our oriole feeder and waited.  Although we saw the male from time to time, not one bird used this feeder in the 4 weeks we kept it stocked with jelly.  We took it down and put it away.  Last year we had 2 pairs of Baltimore Orioles and we think one of the pairs nested in our trees – the other pair was across the inlet.

This year, as soon as we opened our large bird bath, we saw 3 males in one afternoon.  We put up our oriole feeder again and now we have at least 6 males and 2 females using it every day.  Cleon is refilling the 2 cups at least once a day and grape jelly is their favorite.  He also added half a small orange and although that was at first ignored, that is also now being picked clean.  Besides these orioles, we have seen a male House Finch and a pair of catbirds using this feeder so we must make sure we always have a backup jar of grape jelly on hand.  Otherwise, we could have a birdy rebellion!  Cleon is now buying the jumbo-size jars at the grocery store.

Once the birdcam on the large bird bath is installed and streaming, you will be able to see these orioles bathing and drinking off and on all day. We laugh that stuffing yourself with grape jelly is messy business so a lot of bathing is required!

Yesterday afternoon I worked in that part of the garden:  weeding and adding a few plants.  I was scolded by those orioles the entire time – too close to their feeder, i imagine.  It is a wonderful feeling to be working in the garden while being scolded by these gorgeous birds.  I was grinning the entire time!