

I saw a Timberdoodle!

Last weekend we were in Lake Geneva, WI.  We drove to this lovely lake and town on a snowy, overcast day.  There was an accident on the interstate and the GPS suggested an alternate route which we took.  It was a series of rural roads winding through the southern Wisconsin countryside past fields, woodlands, and […]

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American Goldfinches

Take a good look at the goldfinches at our feeders over the next few weeks and you will witness a remarkable change in the males.  They will change from their drab winter color of grayish-brown with sometimes a hint of yellow, to a mottled mess of golden yellow and that same drab grayish-brown, and finally […]

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When to put up your hummingbird feeders …..

A good friend just asked me when she should put up her hummingbird feeder.  We live in central Illinois, so in my experience, I recommend between March 21st and April 1st.  Below are some target dates for other areas of the country and Canada.  Observe in your own yard and garden – it is important […]

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Greater White-fronted Geese on our lake ….

We had a good-sized flock of about 300 Greater White-fronted Geese on our lake for two days in late January.  This is normal for them.  They will come, rest for a short period, then move on.  Today we have 3.  Only 3 of these geese and in mid-March – this is unusual.  They are close […]

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What a wild night! But a good morning at the feeders …..

Last night, we had at least four big thunderstorms with lots of thunder and lightning, wind, and buckets of rain which generally means a good morning at the feeders and this morning is no exception.  Some are feeding, but even more are singing and calling.  If you are interested in identifying the birds you are […]

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More signs of spring …….

Turkey Vultures are again soaring over the farm fields of central Illinois and for me, are a welcome sight!  Robins are now staying here in large flocks throughout the winter months and can be found in open woodlands and edges – look for them where there are copious amounts of berries.  But these vultures leave […]

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It is early March, but signs of spring are here …..

We live in central Illinois and spring migration has begun.  The first warblers are starting to come through in flocks – for us, the Yellow-rumped Warbler is the easiest to ID.  This little bird is often lower in our trees and who can miss that yellow rump!  We also have Ring-billed Ducks resting on our lake.  They will be here anywhere from a few days to several weeks, and then will be gone till next spring.

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