

Injured male Mallard at our birdfeeders

You may have seen the injured male Mallard on the birdfeeder cam.  Right now, he is coming to the area under the feeders about once a day – always entering from the right side of your screen.  He is sometimes alone and sometimes with a female and from their behavior, they appear to be a […]

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We have Warbling Vireos in our treetops …..

Vireos are often birds of the treetops.  They are small and generally gray to olive green with some pale or white.  These are not flashy birds by any means and once leaves are on the trees, they are just about impossible for me to see – with or without binoculars.  But I can always hear […]

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Downy Woodpecker Family

This morning we saw a Downy Woodpecker family at the feeders.  An adult male and female and at least 2 juveniles – and there could be 3.  The juveniles are just a bit smaller than their parents which you can see when they are together.  They are also a bit disheveled and their black and […]

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Birdbath camera is now live and streaming!

A big thank you to Cheryl Roberts of Serpentine Web Solutions for getting the birdbath camera up and running!  There still may be a glitch or two but so far, so good! This birdbath has some morning sun, but is mostly in shade/dappled shade until about 10AM Central Time.  From then until dusk, if the […]

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The Fawn

A fawn was born in our neighborhood last week and our neighbor, Denny, came to tell us the news.  It was born close to his house in the strip of woods that runs along the lake and that all of us share.  He also told us he was concerned because it appeared to him the […]

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Oh my gosh!!!

For those of you who are watching the cam now and have been for the last 20 minutes – I just scared up a fawn who ran right across the bird feeding area!  You should have seen him on the live stream!  The fawn is now hiding in the wide strip of stuff we have […]

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  As you all know, we live in central Illinois.  It has been on national news that here in Illinois, we are having a rare event.  Two different species of cicadas hatching at the same time – a 13 year and a 17 year. We have been lucky at our house in that we hear […]

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A Pair of Mallards

We have a few Mallards living here with us on our small lake and occasionally, they will come to forage on the ground under the feeders.  There was a pair under the feeders yesterday. The Mallards on our lake are more skittish than the Mallards you will see in city parks or places where people […]

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Canada Geese – we have families!

The nest on our point and the nest on our neighbor’s point were both destroyed this year.  And because we have had an increase in the number of raccoons living here and raccoons are ground nest predators, I wondered if any nests around our lake had been successful.  Today I had a big surprise in […]

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Purple Martins Galore!

There are folks here in central Illinois who are quite successful with Purple Martin houses attracting Purple Martins.  But I also have friends who have tried putting up houses and all they attract are European Starlings and House Sparrows.  Both species are aggressive and once birds of either species have claimed the house, they will […]

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