

Redheaded Woodpeckers!

We have Redheaded Woodpeckers living in the woodlands across the lake from us, but they are not often here in our yard.  We saw a pair yesterday in our trees that are at the edge of the lake and this morning they were both on the peanut feeder.  Not sharing – they kept displacing each […]

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Canada Geese

Look how they have grown!  The three families from this past spring still come to the feeders every other day or so.  Generally they are all together in a loose flock – scattered over the yard.  This is one of the families.  The juveniles are now flying and these families take an excursion each afternoon.  […]

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Dawn chorus

We are in the midst of hot and humid weather here in central Illinois.  July and August are always for heat lovers – and that is definitely not me. Give me long underwear, a heavy coat and hat, and I am in heaven! I love working outside and have gardens all around our house and […]

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The habitat in our yard has changed. Will we see a change in our birds?

Anyone who has an outdoor space, no matter how small, has a habitat.  The definition of habitat from the Merriam-Webster Dictionary: The physical environment that provides organisms with their basic needs for survival:  food, water, shelter, and space.  Our yard’s habitat was a savanna with a wide strip of woodland and our acre of property […]

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New Noise!

Two things happen in the skies over our house in July, August, and September every year.  The first may sound to you like we are part of nearby strafing run – right out of a WWII movie.  Thank goodness that is not it.  It is crop dusting time! We live in the middle of chemical […]

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Bird feeder maintenance day and juvenile grackles

Today we will be taking down the feeders and thoroughly washing and disinfecting them.  We will also clean the birdbaths and the rocks.  The feeders will dry in the sun before we refill.  All this takes about 2 hours.  The birds do come to the area during that time – some will even sit on […]

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Northern Flickers

Northern Flickers live here with us, but are not always in our yard.  They come to the feeders from time to time in winter, but rarely in summer.  We do see them fairly often on the ground with their beaks down ant hills – their favorite food.  But right now, there are two who are […]

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Youngsters are out of control – parents are harried!

Blue Jays have been practicing tough love and the Common Grackles need to take a page out of the jay’s book on parenting.  For the past few days, if you have been watching the birdfeeder cam, you will see juvenile grackles practically on top of their parents at the feeders – and screeching – and […]

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Blue Jays practice tough love

If you were watching the birdfeeder cam this morning, you saw Blue Jays and heard a whole lot of loud, incessant squawking.  The squawking was coming from three juveniles.  They have their adult feathers but hardly any crests at all – all three heads are fairly smooth.  When one of the juveniles was on the […]

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