
Migrants Have Arrived!

In the last few days, we have seen:

Baltimore Orioles – 4 males and 1 female – in the large birdbath soon to be live streamed.

Rose-breasted Grosbeaks – 5 males and 2 females – at the feeders.

Gray Catbirds – a mated pair.  They are in the trees of our backyard and in the big shrubs along our driveway.  You will probably not see them on either live stream but you might be able to hear their distinctive ‘mew’ calls.

Eastern Bluebird – male – in the large birdbath.  This is a new species on our property.  A neighbor up the street has had several for some years but we never have – until now.  We were thrilled to see this male with his beautiful plumage!

And these birds should be thinking of migrating north?:

Hermit Thrush – in the large birdbath.

White-throated Sparrows – several on ground underneath the feeders.  You probably will not be able to see them on the live stream, but they have been sporadically singing.  You could hear their plaintive, beautiful song.

White-crowned Sparrow – one in our large flower garden and frequently visiting the large birdbath.

Yellow Warblers – they are up in the trees.  You probably will not see them on the live stream although we have had a few use the large birdbath.  You might hear them.

Here are a few photos:

Male Baltimore Oriole
Gray Catbird. Amazingly on the platform feeder – this bird is not a seed eater. This is a good example of why I try to not say “A bird will never …… ” because as soon as I say that, I can turn around and there is a bird doing exactly what I said it would never do. However, if you look online or in your field guides, you will read that catbirds eat lots of insects and will eat fruit. Nowhere will it say this bird is a seed eater, yet here it is – right on our platform feeder. Catbirds are very curious birds so maybe it was just poking around? Seeing what the fuss is about? Why other birds are so interested? Whatever the reason, this catbird stayed on the platform feeder for several minutes.
White-crowned Sparrow. We are in their winter range and there are often 2-3 here in our yard for the winter. But these birds nest in northern Canada. Maybe he/she needs to get the suitcase packed and get moving? It is along way to the Hudson Bay!
This White-crowned Sparrow will be nice and clean for its long journey!!!
A sopping wet, almost unrecognizable Hermit Thrush.