
Greater White-fronted Geese on our lake ….

Greater White-fronted Geese in January

We had a good-sized flock of about 300 Greater White-fronted Geese on our lake for two days in late January.  This is normal for them.  They will come, rest for a short period, then move on.  Today we have 3.  Only 3 of these geese and in mid-March – this is unusual.  They are close to a small group of resident Canada Geese, but they do not often intermingle with them.  The Canada Geese might swim toward them and intermingle, but the Greater White-fronted rarely do the same.

In early January, we had several enormous flocks of Snow Geese fly so high overhead we could only hear them – we never saw them.  In late January through the end of February, we generally have periodic sightings and ‘hearings’ of these flocks and often see them on our surrounding big agricultural fields, foraging.  This year, in the big fields surrounding our small neighborhood, we had none.  This is also unusual.

Have you been seeing anything unusual?  Or not seeing something you normally do this time of year?  If you have, or have any questions, please use the Public Forum.