Overview of Public Forum:
The Forum is divided into 3 sections. To access each section, click on the red subtitle.
Your sightings
What did you see and hear?
Questions and answers
Questions, answers, comments …….
Gardening for birds
Questions, answers, observations ……
To Register:
You must register and Logon to post or reply to a post. You do not have to register or logon to read the posts.
1. Click on ‘Register’ and follow the instructions.
2. After setting your password, an email will be sent to you. If it does not arrive in your Inbox within a few minutes, check your Spam or Junk folder.
Reading and replying to the posts:
To access a section of the Forum, click on the red subtitle.
1. The posts will be in chronological order with the newest one first. Click on the post you would like to read. The entire post will be on your screen.
2. If you want to reply, click on Reply and begin typing in the space provided. To post your Reply, click Submit. If you change your mind, click Cancel.
3. If you would like to add a photo to your Reply, scroll down this page: To add a photo.
4. Subscribe to this topic. Check the box and any new posts on this subject will be emailed to you. You can Unsubscribe at any time.
To post your own message:
1. The Forum has 3 sections. Choose the section in which you like to place your post and click on the red subtitle.
2. Click on New Topic. Type in the Subject of your post. Move your cursor to the blank space below and begin typing.
3. For help in adding a photo, scroll down to the next section on this page.
4. If you would like to be notified of any new posts concerning your topic, scroll down below where you are typing and click on Subscribe to this topic. You will receive an email if anyone replies to your post.
5. If you change your mind about posting, click on Cancel. To post, click Submit.
To add a photo:
The steps may look different depending on your device (Mac, PC, or mobile).
- You can add 1–2 photos per post or reply. Check below “Upload Files” on your screen to see which photo formats are accepted.
- Click “Choose File” under “Upload Files.”
On a mobile phone or tablet: You may see options like “Photo Library” or “Files.”
On a computer: Your photos are usually in Pictures, Downloads, Desktop, or an external device (like a USB drive or memory card). If you’re unsure where your photo is, try opening Photos or File Explorer (Windows) / Finder (Mac) to locate it first.
- Once you select a photo, its name will appear next to “Choose File.” The image itself will only appear after you click “Submit.”
What are “Subscriptions” and “Subscribe to this topic”?
1. Click on Subscriptions and you have choices. If you click on any of these, you will get emails about new posts on the topic.
2. Subscribe to this topic will appear at the end of each post. Click on it and any new posts on that topic will be emailed to you.
3. You can Unsubscribe at any time.