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Second Saturday Regulars September 14 Outing

Our group birded out at Bois Du Sangamon which is owned by the Macon Conservation District and is located east of Decatur off of Rt. 105.  The area is not large but we always have a good outing when birding.  The narrow strip of land ends up at Lake Decatur so we can count on seeing a good variety. We logged 23 species on this morning and added to new species to the SSR Life List. some species of note: Swainson’s Thrush, Magnolia Warbler, Blackburian or Bay-breasted Warbler (couldn’t decide), Belted Kingfisher and a UFO owl. Spied it several times in flight but just couldn’t lay eyes on it.  The two new birds added to our Life List were a Grey-cheeked Thrush and a Black-throated Blue Warbler.

Sounds like a wonderful way to spend a Saturday early morning!  Those warblers can be so hard to ID  - if only they would perch at eye level and HOLD STILL!  And picture me grinning - a UFO Owl - love the moniker!  You would think because they are generally fairly good-sized, owls would be easier to ID but when they are backlit, it can be impossible.  And sometimes I am not sure it is an owl or a hawk and by the time I see the flat face - or the facial disk - it is too late to observe much else.

So glad you shared this with all of us.  Let us know what you see next month and where you go.  Linda