
Canada Geese

Look how they have grown!  The three families from this past spring still come to the feeders every other day or so.  Generally they are all together in a loose flock – scattered over the yard.  This is one of the families.  The juveniles are now flying and these families take an excursion each afternoon.  Sometimes they come back to our lake for the night and sometimes not.  We do have two much larger lakes close-by.

Much of the honking from spring is over.  They do call when they are in the air, but once settled on the water, they are now more silent.  But never fear, our lake is not silent.  The bullfrogs have taken over where the geese left off and are now singing all night – every night.  And can be just as loud as the geese – just a whole different sound.

American Bullfrog. The best singers in July! Photo by Josie Weiss on Unsplash.