Bird List for Our Yard and Lake


At feeders every day the bird is here.  Some are permanent residents and some are only here for a season or two.

  • Cardinal, Northern
  • Chickadee, Black-capped
  • Cowbird, Brown-headed
  • Dove, Mourning
  • Finch, House
  • Goldfinch, American
  • Grackle, Common
  • Grosbeak, Red-breasted
  • Jay, Blue
  • Junco, Dark-eyed
  • Nuthatch, White-breasted
  • Sparrow, Eurasian Tree
  • Sparrow, House (English)
  • Titmouse, Tufted
  • Woodpecker, Downy
  • Woodpecker, Red-bellied

Visit Birdbath Daily

  • Cardinal, Northern
  • Cowbird, Brown-headed
  • Dove, Mourning
  • Goldfinch, American
  • Grackle, Common
  • Jay, Blue
  • Oriole, Baltimore
  • Robin, American
  • Sparrow, Eurasian Tree
  • Sparrow, House (English)
  • Thrasher, Brown

Here all year or here every year for at least one season.

  • Black-bird, Red-winged
  • Bunting, Indigo
  • Catbird, Gray
  • Crow, American
  • Flicker, Northern
  • Hummingbird, Ruby-throated
  • Kingfisher, Belted
  • Peewee, Eastern Wood
  • Phoebe, Eastern
  • Sparrow, Chipping
  • Sparrow, Song
  • Sparrow, White-throated
  • Starling, European
  • Swallow, Bank
  • Swallow, Tree
  • Swift, Chimney
  • Vireo, Red-eyed
  • Vireo, Warbling
  • Warbler, Black-and-white
  • Warbler, Palm
  • Woodpecker, Hairy
  • Woodpecker, Red-headed
  • Wren, Carolina
  • Wren, House
  • Warbler, Yellow-rumped

Every 2 – 3 Years

  • Bluebird, Eastern
  • Creeper, Brown
  • Gnatcatcher, Blue-gray
  • Kingbird, Eastern
  • Kinglet, Golden-crowned
  • Kinglet, Ruby-crowned
  • Nuthatch, Red-breasted
  • Oriole, Orchard
  • Redstart, American
  • Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied
  • Sparrow, American Tree
  • Sparrow, White-crowned
  • Swallow, Rough-winged
  • Thrush, Hermit
  • Thrush, Wood
  • Towhee, Eastern
  • Vireo, Warbling
  • Vireo, White-eyed
  • Warbler, Cape May
  • Warbler, Yellow
  • Waxwing, Cedar
  • Woodpecker, Pileated

We have seen this bird just a few times.

  • Bluebird, Eastern
  • Chat, Yellow-breasted
  • Cuckoo, Yellow-billed
  • Mockingbird, Northern
  • Sparrow, Fox
  • Yellowthroat, Common


C – Common.  These birds are residents at our house and adjoining woodlands.  We see or hear them throughout the year.  However, not every day or week, and sometimes not even once a month, but they are always here – just quiet.

  • Hawk, Cooper’s
  • Hawk, Red-shouldered
  • Owl, Barred
  • Owl, Great Horned

O – Occasional.  We see these birds every few years.  Sometimes for an entire season.

  • Eagle, Bald
  • Hawk, Sharp-shinned

R – Rare. We have seen these birds only 2-3 times.

  • Osprey

Waterfowl & Waders

C – Common.  This bird is either a resident or is here every year for at least one season.  If the bird is seen only in migration every year, it will be marked with an ‘M’.

  • Bufflehead – M
  • Cormorant, Double-crested
  • Duck, Ring-necked – M
  • Duck, Ruddy – M
  • Duck, Wood – M
  • Egret, Great
  • Goose, Cackling – M
  • Goose, Canada
  • Goose, Greater white-fronted – M
  • Goose, Snow – M
  • Grebe, Pied-billed – M
  • Gull, Ring-billed
  • Heron, Great Blue
  • Mallard
  • Merganser, Hooded – M
  • Pintail, Northern – M
  • Shoveler, Northern – M
  • Teal, Green-winged – M

O – Occasional.  This bird may come only every 2-3 years. If the bird was seen in migration, it will be marked with an ‘M’.

  • Canvasback – M
  • Gadwall – M
  • Goldeneye, Common – M
  • Merganser, Common – M
  • Redhead – M
  • Sandpiper, Spotted
  • Teal, Blue-winged – M

R – Rare.  We have only seen this bird once or just a few times.  If the bird was seen in migration, it will be marked with an ‘M’.

  • Coot, American – M
  • Duck, American Black – M
  • Merganser, Red-breasted – M
  • Pelican, White – M
  • Scoter, White-winged – M
  • Swan, Mute
  • Wigeon, American – M