
More signs of spring …….

Turkey Vultures are again soaring over the farm fields of central Illinois and for me, are a welcome sight!  Robins are now staying here in large flocks throughout the winter months and can be found in open woodlands and edges – look for them where there are copious amounts of berries.  But these vultures leave here in fall and return in late winter.  As soon as I see one in late February, no matter how cold and blustery the weather still is, I know for sure spring is on the way!  If you want to read more about Turkey Vultures, go to the Articles and Click on Turkey Vultures – the True Harbingers of Spring!

Male Brown-headed Cowbirds and Common Grackles are now beginning to appear at our feeders and if you watch the birdcams, off and on today and in the days that follow, you should begin to see them.  The females will be arriving in about a week or so, but they do not regularly come to the feeders.  It is the males you will most often see,

And the Blue Jays are screeching.  Between them and the Canada Geese, sometimes it is hard to hear other birds who are singing.  If that happens when you are watching and listening to the bird cams, wait a minute or two and that should change.  The Blue Jays are setting up territories and early spring is one of the loudest times of the year for them.  One was sitting on the platform feeder early this morning just screeching away!  Until a male Common Grackle landed practically on top of him and that put a stop to it.  Dominance.  Pecking order.  Interesting topics to discuss.  If any of you have observations or comments, please use the Public Forum.


Brown-headed Cowbirds – male is on the right. Our good friend Jim Oettel took this photo at his feeders here in central Illinois.

Male Common Grackle under our feeders.

Below is a Blue Jay in Jim’s backyard.