
We have Warbling Vireos in our treetops …..

Vireos are often birds of the treetops.  They are small and generally gray to olive green with some pale or white.  These are not flashy birds by any means and once leaves are on the trees, they are just about impossible for me to see – with or without binoculars.  But I can always hear them.

I think most vireo songs are rather simple – especially when compared to songs of birds like House Finches, Brown Thrashers, and Baltimore Orioles.  Vireos tend to sing in short, repeated phrases.  Red-eyed Vireos, who can be in our yard, sing one of the easiest vireo songs: a three-syllable repeated phrase.  Hel-lo there    Look-at-me     Look-up-here     Here-I-am    How-are-you.  This is a birdsong I can remember!

Photo by Wei Fukuyama on Unsplash.

The Warbling Vireo’s song is an exception as it is one longer phrase and the phrase varies each time it is repeated.  I think this bird is aptly named because ‘warbling’ is a good way to describe its song.  To my ear, it resembles the song of the House Finch and I have to listen to a  song several minutes before I can determine which bird it is.  You can hear songs of Warbling Vireos and House Finches on allaboutbirds.org to compare.  See if you agree with me – or not.  Once I compared the songs, I realized I had heard Warbling Vireos in our yard for some time – and just thought they were finches.  When it comes to birds – or anything else in life – never assume!

Photo by Raju Bhupatiraju on Unsplash

I was in northern Illinois in the small town of Byron visiting my cousin, Mary, who lives on the Rock River.  Her large back yard runs right into the river and her neighborhood has a good number of large, mature trees which is perfect Warbling Vireo territory – big trees and water.  Mary has a wonderful deck and screened-in porch where we sat for hours just watching the clouds and water float by – and of course talking.  And I could hear at least three Warbling Vireos throughout her trees just singing away.  The perfect afternoon!