
The groundhog was back this morning!

The groundhog was back under the feeders this morning – eating companionably with a fox squirrel.  We are still unsure where his hole is.  At first we thought it might be under our deck, but we are happy to say it is not.  When he ran from the feeder area this morning, it was toward the opposite side of our yard from where we first saw him about a week ago.  Generally, when groundhogs are spooked, they run straight for their burrows.  That would mean this one’s burrow is close to the north shore of our peninsula and this is were we already have a muskrat burrow.  Wonder if they are sort of neighbors?  I feel like we are entering The Wind in the Willows – although our house is hardly Toad Hall!

If you have never read The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, I highly recommend it.  Although it can be a children’s book, it is also a book for everyone.  And will take you to a wonderful river and its surrounding countryside – the perfect escape from today’s world!