
I did not react fast enough but ……

We have a ground hog!  We saw it a few days ago, but could not identify it.  It was hard to get a good look at it as it was at the shore of our lake and some distance from where we were standing.  A friend of ours thought it was a mink.  I thought maybe an otter – there are some in the large lake close to us.  But we were both wrong,  Just now, it was eating safflower seeds under the platform feeder and I got a good look at it.  But before I could snap a photo – it was gone!  If I get a picture of it, I will post it.  But keep an eye open for it.  You cannot miss it – large, chubby, brown, covered with fur that stands up a bit, and with a short furry tail that has a darker tip.

Cleon and I are from southeastern Pennsylvania and so ground hogs were part of our every day life.  Out here in central Illinois we rarely see them – years go by without our sighting them.  So this is a real treat for us!  And as we do not have a vegetable garden, hopefully, he or she will fit right into our little wildlife refuge!