
Cardinals and Crows

A pair of cardinals are still coming to the platform feeder very early each morning – at dawn, but before the sun breaks the horizon line.  Here at our house, that is between about 6:10-6:40AM Central Time.  The feedercam will be in black and white, but you will still be able to easily see these two are cardinals.  And they are calling to each other with their distinctive, metallic-sounding chips.  This morning, the male changed its call note to a rapid fire, staccato chipping.  The male comes first and then the female when he leaves.  Once the male started the rapid-fire chipping, the other birds woke up and started calling: crows, Blue Jays, and Black-capped Chickadees.  The Tufted Titmice did not waste time calling, they came right to the feeder for grab and go – Titmouse Take-out.

And the Decorating Crow is still decorating.  Cleon watched him at about 7AM this morning, at the small bird bath, busily rearranging the stones  Maybe that helps the bird get its day off to a good start?  Like us hanging up up our towels and making our beds?????