
Birdbath camera is now live and streaming!

A big thank you to Cheryl Roberts of Serpentine Web Solutions for getting the birdbath camera up and running!  There still may be a glitch or two but so far, so good!

This birdbath has some morning sun, but is mostly in shade/dappled shade until about 10AM Central Time.  From then until dusk, if the sun is out, this birdbath is in full sun.  You will see the most birds from about 2PM Central Time till dusk.  This birdbath is large and it will not be uncommon to see several different species all bathing together.  Plus entire families.  You will also see Catbirds, Baltimore Orioles, and Brown Thrashers – all are nesting here in our yard.  And of course the usual bathers most everyone has – robins, Blue Jays, Brown-headed Cowbirds, House Finches and Mourning Doves.

This camera will be streaming from now until about October 30th.  When we get night-time temperatures in the high 30’s, we shut this birdbath down for the winter.  The camera will be live again about April 1st next year.  We hope you enjoy watching the birdbath as much as we do!  Our kitchen windows overlook this birdbath and our table and chairs are right there.  We are often sitting there, just riveted to their interactions and antics.  Needless to say, not many chores are accomplished during birdbath season!