
Bird feeder maintenance day and juvenile grackles

Today we will be taking down the feeders and thoroughly washing and disinfecting them.  We will also clean the birdbaths and the rocks.  The feeders will dry in the sun before we refill.  All this takes about 2 hours.  The birds do come to the area during that time – some will even sit on the pole that holds the platform feeder probably wondering what in the world has happened to getting an easy snack!  And speaking of easy, have you been watching the adult Common Grackles sit on the platform feeder quite comfortably while eating out of the sunflower feeder?  Clever birds!  Just like me sitting in my LazyBoy, feet up, and munching on pretzels!  It can’t get any easier!

We all may not agree on everything – the world is an argumentative and divisive place these days – but, I am sure we can agree on this.  Grackle juveniles are loud and relentless in hounding their parents for food.  Worse than the Blue Jay juveniles and that is saying a lot!  And all these juveniles who are screeching, posturing, and haranguing, are all just as big as their parents!  Hardly helpless little babies in the nest!  These grackle parents put up with all this from their juveniles for about two weeks and then they are done.  Over a few day period they will start to disengage.  They slowly stop feeding the juveniles every time one postures and opens its beak, and they simply ignore the screeches – I wonder if someone in Bird World has invented grackle ear plugs?  It takes time, patience, and perseverance, but in the end, the parents prevail.  The juveniles start to fend for themselves.  Their first step towards leading an adult life – the life they were born to lead.  There are lessons there for all of us!